Personal Information

 Teaching Assistant

Department of Department of Information Technology

Faculty of Computing and Information Technology in Rabigh

Contact Information

Phone: - Ext. -


Abeer Abdul Aziz Qashqari

 Teaching Assistant


Personal Vision

To be a major contributor to the Transformation of the Saudi Education


Career objectives

Continuous development in the field of computer science learning and teaching
From technicality to administration


  • 2002

    Bachelor degree from Computer Science Computer Science department , King Abdul Aziz university , جدة , المملكة العربية السعودية


  • 2002-2003

    Trainer, Um al_Qura Community College, مكة المكرمة , المملكة العربية السعودية

  • 2003-2004

    _Teacher_Administrator_Acting Administrator, Dar Al_Huda School/Saudi Aramco Complex, رابغ, المملكة العربية السعودية

  • 2011-حاليا

    Teacher Assistant , كلية الحاسبات و تقنية المعلومات , رابغ , المملكة العربية السعودية

Research Interests

Scientific interests


Computer Skills 100 CPTIT
Programming 2 203 COCS

Areas of expertise

Teaching Teaching Computer courses
Trainer Computer Applications trainer in New Horizon deduction Company
Teacher Assistant Teacher Assistant in king Abdulaziz University in Rabigh